Sunday, November 11, 2012


It's been so long since the last time I painted some art on my nails. So here it is, another delicious tutty fruity work of art. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Idle Hands

Here are few collection of the artworks that I did throughout the years. I joined a few poster-making contests when I was younger but I was not able to keep a copy of those artworks. Sadly.







Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This photo has long been overdue because I did this striped nails a few months ago. I thought this design is as easy as what it seems but it wasn't. It took a lot of my time because I have to dry one stripe before I can apply a new one. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mi Ladybug

I've always wanted to try the ladybug design on my nails. So here it is finally. It's always a hard time doing it on my right hand because I have to use my left hand (i'm right-handed) which is a bit shaky because I have less control of it.  But I still consider the end-result a mess. :P

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lippie Lovin'

I recently got addicted to collecting lipsticks due to an influence by a colleague. So here is my collection. It's not that much, I know, compared to other women who are more vain than me but this is the most I've had in my whole existence I think. These excludes those in palettes. :P

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Shine on Me

I have a few leather bags that I never got to use that often nowadays because I don't like changing my bag very often for work. I'm afraid I might leave some things that are essential for work like my drawer keys or my ID. So, these few bags are apparently taken for granted. :D And, they lost their shine and most had these small white spots. 

A recent visit to my favorite shoe store led me to a solution to that problem. I found this product that instantly shines all leather and vinyl shoes and accessories of any color. It's called Instant Shine Sponge. It is a silicone impregnated sponge contained in a durable easy-to-use reusable travel pack. 

Here's a shot I took of one of my bags. It really gave that shine that I wanted. And those small white spots that I was telling on the other bags, they were all gone. The Instant Shine Sponge costs Php 145.00 only.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nail Art

Gone were those days when all we see are plain bold colors on nails. Nail art is in! Since I, myself, have this little inclination on the arts, I wouldn't let it pass that I won't try this nail art thing. Having it done in a nail salon would be a little costly compared to doing it myself, and I have my own nail art stamp kit anyway. So here was my first creation. It wasn't perfect though. :P

This one looks nice and clean. Still with the nail art stamp kit. 
 This time, I didn't use my nail art stamp kit.
Ciao Italia!
Yummy Strawberry

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Some colleagues at work and I ate at this restaurant called Riverwalk Grill located at Davao Crocodile Park. Their specialty? Crocodile dishes. Because we want to try something out of the ordinary, we tried one of the crocodile dishes. Crocodile Steak. 

At first I thought it would taste like chicken, but it tasted like pork, less the fat and the cholesterol. What I liked about this dish is the gravy. It's so heavenly I could chug it all down. This dish is a bit expensive though at P460 per order.

Then on another restaurant, Dencio's Hilltop Restaurant, we had some coffee. The waiter was doing some sales talk about this special coffee called Civet coffee (also known as Kopi Luwak in Indonesia). I have heard about it before from another colleague at work who likes coffee that much that she probably knows all kinds. I can't even tell the difference between a latte and a cappuccino. For me, they all taste the same. LOL. I can only distinguish black coffee from a 3-in-1 coffee. So anyways, we ordered the Civet coffee. I really want to try it too because of how special it is. Special because it came from cat's poop! I know it sounds disgusting but here how it is made.

The Civet cat has the ability to select high-quality coffee cherries. Their stomachs only digest the soft outer part of the coffee cherry. The beans ferment while inside the stomach removing all the bitter flavor then eventually gets excreted as poop.

Civet coffee is said to be the most expensive coffee in the world with a price of $100 or more per pound. So at Php 160 per cup, this is how it looks like. I already added some fresh milk into it is not that black anymore.

It does not taste that bad at all. Just don't think it came from poop so you would still be able to finish the whole cup.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Perfumy, Shimmery, & Glittery!

Ok. So I wasn't really sure at first if there's such word as perfumy. I was looking for a word that rhymes with the rest of the words in my title and that's all I can think of. And well, there is such word. 

I just have this recent addiction to anything that glitters. I don't know why but maybe because these vampires from the Cullen clan of the Twilight Saga got me into the fondness of having a skin that shines like diamonds when I step into the [sun]light. So here, I got myself some beauty products that can make my skin sparkle and smell good at the same time. 

Victoria's Secret Shimmer Mist Pure Seduction 236 ml.
Mall Price: Around Php 700+

Penshoppe Sexy Shimmer Body Fragrance Vamp 150 ml.
Php 199.00
Avon Skin So Soft Mineral Gems Glamorous Gold Body Lotion 150 ml.
Php 149.00
Juicy Sweet Shimmer Silkening Perfumed Lotion 55 ml.
Supermarket Price: Php 33.50
So there, you will definitely be shining, shimmering, and smelling good after using any of these products. You might feel like one of Edward Cullen's kind  once you see your skin sparkle. Vampires would be really amazed on how you made your skin shimmer like theirs. ;)